
antelope elementary logo


Please print the following forms, complete the required information, and bring the completed forms to our school office.
Contact Antelope Elementary with any questions: (801)402-2100.

Registration Forms

Student Information Form

This is a fillable form, which means you can type in your information and then print.

Proof of Residency Procedures

Provide one document from Column A and one document from Column B and fill out the right side of the paper.

Guardianship Status Form

Fill out and sign.

Homeless Assistance Act Questionnaire (McKinney-Vento Eligibility)

Answer the two questions on the form.

School Health Plan Information Form

Complete form.

To complete the enrollment process we will also need:
.  Original birth certificate
.  Original immunization records
.  Guardian photo I.D.
.  Two proofs of residency (see information above)